但是最近都在忙打工 一回到家 就開始睡覺
目前分類:無聊亂寫 (16)
- Nov 21 Mon 2005 06:20
- Oct 25 Tue 2005 19:48
about paul Mc Carthy
this is the research on a vedio artist called Paul McCarthy. After reaearch this artist, i have review all the artist i been research on. i find out...why am i always research on those sick person...his work make me feel sick. however there was common place between him and my project...am i sick as well?
Paul McCarthy
Paul Mc Carthy, he is a performance artist. The reason I research on him is I used smaller idea in my work. He is an artist like to bellow the line between normal and sick. I think that is the relationship with my work, walking in the middle of the line.
He was born in Salt Lake City in 1945 USA. He studied at the San Francisco, major in painting at 1973. University of southern California studied in inter-media video, film and art.
He has incorporated performance into his work, when his work beginning his career.
When he was a student in 1967, he created a series of all nlack paintings by charring the canvases with blowtorch, and that work let him to concentrate on performances, which began with his performing simple action such as jumping out of window. That performance was called in Sudden Leap. There were many exhibitions he had done. The list are very long, many of them are not in English. I guess that make him an international artist. In1983 Cirque Divers, Liège, 1992 Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles: "Helter Skelter", 1995 Hamburger Kunsthalle - mit Mike Kelley; Museum of Modern Art, New York; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid:"Cocido y Crudo", 1997 Biennale de Lyon; Biennale Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Dänemark:"Sunshine & Noir", 1998 Portikus, Frankfurt: "Damenwahl: Monika Baer & Paul McCarthy"; Patrick Painter, Santa Monica; Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, 1999 Biennale Venedig; David Zwirner Gallery, New York: "Proposition" - Zusammenarbeit mit Jason Rhoades; Sammlung Hauser und Wirth - Lokremise, St. Gallen; Blum & Poe, Santa Monica
2000 Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Eleni Koroneou Gallery, Athen, 2001 Kunstverein Hamburg; Deitch Projects, New York: "Paul McCarthy in the Garden"; Galerie Hauser & Wirth, Zürich; The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, 2002 Luhring Augustine, New York: "Paul McCarthy - Clean Thoughts", 2003 Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen
He is a really weird artist to me. I was wondering why am I always do research on some kind of freak. I guess that make me a freak too. However, he does make himself special. McCarthy often borrows the costumes, props, and setting of Hollywood to present his own demented version of it. As the most powerful producer and disseminator of popular culture and values, the entertainment industry is a natural target of McCarthy’s attentions. The video and installation Bossy Burger in 1991, it was taped in the unused set of a television sit-com. Painter environment that mimicked a sit-com set and in Pinocchio Pipenose householddilemma at 1994, viewers watch a video in which a dysfunctional, costumed family enacts a domestic drama worthy of a soap opera.
The box, it is a huge installation, and it was an exact yet dramatically skewed replica of his entire studio inside a giant wooden set at 90 degrees. That was his studio; audience can see everything in it. it is a huge sculpture and it is a transformed into a monumental 3-D painting that was 20 high and stretched 50 to rear room.
Every exhibition that he has done all very different, I think that is how his experience built him up. From painting to sculpture to media and video art. His works are very interesting, even I still think video artist are really freaky to me. I am happy that I can find out so much similar place between he and my work this term. However I could not do as well as he. It will become an interesting experience to me.
- Sep 27 Tue 2005 20:57
some idea from my philosophy class
Some opinion of my first philosophy class “Philosophy X”
I do not like go to school, in fact, I was thinking I would never go to school after high school. However, I have admit, I have change my mind after I get into university. I have opened my view, and experience interesting experience. This time I want to write some interesting thinking from my first philosophy class, it called the Philosophy X.
Many people have wondering, what is the X about? That is the reason I choice this lecture. That was also the first question we asked when the lecture started. The answer from our teacher is interesting, I have wrote it done, because I think that is a important note. Anyway, the answer was:
”X, it is a strange word in the English language. Why? Because why X? Every time we think about some thing danger, or difficult, we would use word X, to be the symbol. X has become a symbol. There is the list of what X stands for
X= 10
X is also the 24 words in English, X is mean wrong answer, its mean place and secret, unknown (example X-Man, X-file) etc.
and the last one, this X make you come to my class.”
I guess many people are getting lost. I think I know why, but you think about it, that is also a fact. We also have fear to this symbol. We do not like seeing X all over our exam result.
Do u feel interesting? If you feel boring to listen what is X, I was sitting in the lecture room for 2 hours for this. Of cause every lecture come with essay, and reading response to write. I still get 4 weeks to do those works. Even I was getting lazy in this term. I get to put my self together for one last term.
Anyway, if you interesting in English, you can go to find any word start with X. See if it’s right or wrong. You can also find out much word start with ex. You might have some interesting discover.
- Jul 27 Wed 2005 14:36
something from the ski trip
In last month, I have done one thing that I could never forget. I went to ski trip. Maybe it is not a big deal to you, but it was a very big thing to me. I think that could be once lifetime experience that I will always remember. We went to Taupo for three days. The second day of our trip is to ski. It was on the Mt. cook national park. However, snow to me is very strange to me, I have never seen it before but on TV. The first impression in my mind of snow was white and soft, but it suddenly crushed when the snow hit my face. It was like a lot of small ice hit my face.
I started to ski, I had done quite well for the first time and nobody teach me. I was worry what is going to happen of I do it too hard, hope I won’t break my leg and come home with the wheel chair.
Right now I am stress out for my new assignment, always had this kind of stress after holiday.
I will keep arrange the information for the ski trip and do some up date.
There are some photos from the ski trip.
- Jun 25 Sat 2005 17:54
呼~ 一口氣畫完了
- Jun 25 Sat 2005 14:09
恩 這次我畫的同人圖 還是從火影裡出來的
我想大家一看就知道是誰了吧 哈哈哈
這張是我試著抓我愛羅的特徵畫的 有點久久沒畫 忽然間有點不順 所以畫的慢了一點
這張嘛~算是我看完我手邊有的資料後畫的 感覺起來 比較有我的風格吧
抓隻玩具熊的我愛羅 好可愛喔~哈哈哈
好像還有成年後的我愛羅還沒畫喔 恩恩~再去看看資料吧
- Jun 23 Thu 2005 14:58
哈哈哈 我有工作了
放假放了有4天了 不過我倒是一直在浪費生命阿 說穿了 是說是在想靈感啦 但是我以今好久沒畫稿了 忽然間有工廠打電話給我 說是缺一個禮拜的零時工 就找到我啦 想想也好 總比一直這樣下去好 所以說 yeah~明天起 就要去工廠做事囉 1天8個小時哈哈哈 加油吧
- Jun 22 Wed 2005 19:11
寫一寫有關我drawing class的事情吧
我想我就先寫一寫 有關我在temporary drawing 課上做的一些事情吧
再這堂課中 我老實說我真的不覺得我有座什麼正經事的說 首先呢 我們的第一堂課就是拿食物來作畫 感覺起來像是小學生會做的事情 我還記得 第一堂課的時候 就自己拿起教授帶的食物 開始作一些只有在小學的時候才會做的幼稚事 像是我在蘑菇上畫臉 然後還自己配音說 “哈哈哈 我是邪惡的蘑菇阿 有本事來吃我吧“ 或是說我拿起畫筆 在麵包上用果醬畫圖 (好像都是我無聊的時候會去做的事情……)
Anyway 雖然說是亂畫 但是還是有一些人做出很不錯的圖像喔
說真的 現在已經不知道我當時到底在做什麼了
跟我的胡鬧比起來 其他同學的胡鬧強多了 看起來真的像一張 混合媒材的抽象畫
以上你所看到的這兩張圖 是幾乎要混合了前面全部食物弄出來的恐怖物品
像是吐司 優格 汽水 紅茶 還有一堆有的沒的 我都快忘記還有哪一些東西了
但是那個氣味 …..想了會吐的說
恩~看了這麼多照片 我想很多人都會想問 我們這堂課到底是在幹嘛的 其實呢 這堂課的用意就是去捕捉一瞬間的圖像 像攝影 或是video art (電影藝術)
所以呢 食物無法存在很久 所以照片或是錄影就是最後的表現方式
- Jun 21 Tue 2005 09:50
恩 學期總算是告一段落了 在經過3個星期的壓力之後 換到了一個月的假期 算是真的很好了 可以好好的放假 哈~放假 這個字眼聽起來真是舒服阿 我想很多人一定很好奇 我們這個係到底是在做什麼 雖然視覺藝術這個名字聽起來就是美術系的 但是跟純美術系的差別到底在那裡呢 還又就是moving image這個部門 又是學些什麼的 有關前面的那個問題 老實說 我也不知道…..唯一我了解的就是 我們不用去管那麼多 學術性的東西(但是學術報告也是得寫) 在這半年來的14個禮拜裡 從基本的montage 電影 到後面的貧乏動畫製作(真的是吃盡苦頭阿) 感覺起來真的很不依樣 經歷了很多 以前沒經歷過的事情 就我個人來說 第一次做配音和特殊音效 不管是從收音到最後的編輯 都是全新的經歷阿
你認為 兩者的比例是佔幾比幾呢? 就正常的角度來看 是50比50的 你視覺效果有多好 你的音效就要有多好(或者說你的視覺效果不好 但是你的音效夠好的話 也能夠襯托過去 但是反之就不行) 簡單說 音效不好的話 會毀了整部作品
有太多好玩的事情了 我在這個假期會把一些好玩的經驗 整理一下後在放上來 就請大家多等等囉
- Jun 05 Sun 2005 20:25
歡迎加入家族親愛的mini Mac
- May 27 Fri 2005 20:21
上次畫完卡卡西後 我又化了一個新圖
這次畫的是 火影的主角 漩渦鳴人
不知道大家覺得如何呢 ~
- May 12 Thu 2005 21:24
繼 the incredible又再嘗試了畫同人圖 不過這一次畫的不是美國卡通喔
畫的是 散仙壯態的卡卡西老師
接下來還會畫一系列的火影圖 就請大家多多期待囉^^
- May 05 Thu 2005 17:22
由於最近蠻忙的緣故 沒有畫新的4格 但是卻開始畫其他動畫的cover art
我對自己的行為也是蠻驚訝的 為什麼呢?
因為我選擇的第一個動畫是 pixer studio的 The Incredibles(超人特攻隊)
第一次做american Amiation的同人圖
The incredibles-Bob Parr
第一次畫這種super hero的角色(而且我本來就不太擅長表現肌肉男的說)
"為什麼" 每次看到美國卡通試者要把角色弄得asia look都不好看的原因了"
但經過實驗 覺得畫的還不錯的說.......
The incredibles-Helen Parr and Jack -Jack Parr
嗯嗯~還不算難表現 我個人還蠻喜歡這張圖的 (jack-jack的骨架打的有點隨便) XD
The incredibles-Dashhiell Parr
算是我表現的最失敗的角色了吧我個人覺得圖還ok la
(但是我並沒有畫出那種淘氣的感覺 )
The incredibles-Violet Parr
感覺蠻挑戰的....Violet Parr 是我在裡面最喜歡的角色了吧
- Apr 29 Fri 2005 19:36
我本來就已經計畫換電腦 說換電腦已經說了要3個月了 但是目前是一點成果也沒有
為什麼呢 本來的計畫是 將現在的電腦換成Mac mini 也就是下圖所示這台啦
1Mac 能負擔更強的圖片處裡功能 2不論在各方面上 Mac 的性能都比Pc要強(但是如過你把一台Pc全部的程式都拿掉 只拿來處裡專業上的東西的話 會比Mac快出很多)
其實Mac好用的地方 是對周邊應用的單純性(這樣講對嗎?)也就是說不會有向Pc複雜的一堆有的沒的 只用USB 隨插即用 (加上真的是設計的太好了)(16cmX16cm 真是小的可以)
雖然我一直很想要一台Mac 但是買到現在真的是等到煩了 3個月阿 他X的 ......
在紐西蘭定了貨但是無奈澳洲是大買家 要等澳洲賣剩了才會有貨過來NZ...後來又回台灣定
但是台灣的廠商說1個禮拜已經說到現在了 不火也難....
我最近迷上了 ibook ....還是把Mac mini 這個選項刪掉 改買i book 或是 power book 好了
反正都是G4家族的 性能上差不暸多少 難擴充的毛病也都差不多 講起來根本是沒差吧....
X的...還真的是越寫越火 ><.......
power book....
- Apr 22 Fri 2005 20:05
由於學校功課的緣故 有好一段時間沒加任何的圖上來了
雖然這次放假只有一個禮拜 又有兩邊報告要寫 但是我還是會盡力的
想了一想其實有很多東西可以寫的 不過主要是自己懶吧
好了 哪我也別再一直寫廢話 早點弄一些好玩的東西上來吧
- Mar 04 Fri 2005 17:39
是我太怪了 別人都很正常
玩blog也有一段時間了 也是時候開始用blog來寫一寫日記的時候了 今天無意的一句話
好像問出了別人長久以來對我的意見 也許是我自己沒有察覺到 但是我卻是無意間的造成了
別人的困擾 我是常常的沒理由的生悶氣(就他人的講法是 太會控制自己的情緒)也就是想生氣就生氣 想高興就高興 但是卻太自我 常常弄的別人不知道如何和我相處 我對於這樣子 一開始也不知道怎麼說 但是我想我能想到原因 就是想太多 太常把自己陷在不幸的這種心情
所以會一直˙以臭臉示人 ~不過 這樣的話也會弄的別人很糊塗 會不知道自己哪裡做錯了 我為何會生氣 寫出以上話得意義就是希望我能把這一切改過來"不要想太多 不要老是自憐" 多往樂關的方面想